Електронно списание "Scientific Research"

ISSN: 1312-7535
Заглавие Stimulating the creative imagination of the actor
Автори Dr Milena Aneva


The most important for the young people getting into the theatrical ways is not to ease off and not to forget that the process of creative imagination development is endless as the creativeness itself. Actors must have sensitive creative fantasy easily excitable but, at the same time, they must be able to control and understand things created by their imagination. The fantasy is be directed to determined goal which must be constructive. Without imagination of their own, makers and, in particular, actors, cannot exist. That's why there are so many exercises enumerated in the work which could be extremely useful for future and present actors. Of course, said exercises, to great extent, are borrowed from the great theatrical theoreticians. In my practice as producer and pedagogue they've proven to be indisputably efficient; I've enriched them by my personal experience though accumulated in my still short journey in the theater. It is real happiness for a producer to work with actors capable to assimilate and develop what he suggests to them. Unfortunately, more often we meet actors who consider their profession only as an "executive" one.

I've intended to trace a way by which the natural fantasy transforms into creative imagination. Now I am convinced that without educated, well-bred imagination there is no professional creativeness. Thanks to our imagination our works become possible. Precisely our imagination helps us to differentiate in the surrounding reality the images necessary to make art about new, artistic reality. As Brook says" "the more full is the "sack of memories" the richer and more valuable art we could make".


Key words: actor, imagination, creativeness .

Orientation: Theatrical art - "The universal language of the modern stage"


За авторите

Dr Milena Aneva

South-West university "Neofit Rilski"


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